THRIVE AFTER50: Time to Re-Invent Yourself
The demographics worldwide are changing rapidly. On average we live longer and the growing older generation has a huge impact on the economy and the work environment. Many of us want to or even need to work much longer then we expected when we started our careers. Working longer also means that there are moments in our working life that we want to, or need to, make new career choices. This book is a collection of stories from people all over the world, who have all been at a crossroad around age 50 and gone through a major transformation. For many there has been a moment in their life when they questioned themselves ‘is this what it is’? They felt they wanted to change but had no idea what would be a next step. For all of them there came a moment that they started acting on it: the moment that they decided to THRIVE!
All stories are divided in 4 phases: Surviving or Thriving, The Itch, Time to Re-invent Yourself, Time to Take Action. Some went through the different phases in a short period of time, some needed 7-10 years. In the end, they all landed on their feet and are thriving. They are a great inspiration to those who feel they are at that crossroad in their life, not knowing what will be next.
‘Finally, a book that I can recommend to my friends who envy me my late career and have no idea what it might be like for them to do something completely different and entirely their own. Here they will find a selection of very different stories, step by step, of what a change to a deeply fulfilling job beyond the age of 50 can look like. Inspiring, encouraging, a new world opens up. It becomes clear how much we older people, with our experience, can contribute to a better world if we listen to our inner voice.’ (Lilli Höch – Corona, CEO Gefühlsmonster GmbH)
‘Thriving After50 is an inspiring and action-oriented book that challenges the stereotypes and biases surrounding the aging workforce. The book provides a comprehensive look at what we all can do to redefine the value of experience and maturity. The book showcases real-life stories of men and women who have made significant life and career transformations in their 50s, proving that age is no barrier to growth or reinvention. These are all powerful reminders that our later years can be a time of renewed purpose and opportunity.What "Thriving After 50" also shares in abundance, is actionable advice. Tangible actions like rethinking the current career model, the necessary mindset changes on aging, becoming fit for longevity, and cherishing our own uniqueness and superpower are amongst these tips. Combining the true stories with actionable content make this book a must-read for anyone who is committed to break down age-related barriers and to embrace the potential that comes with experience.’ (Renée van der Burg, Capricorn HR Consulting, Leadership and Career Consultant)
‘This wonderful collection of stories offers many insights on how we can Thrive After50! The participants openly shared what lead to making a decision around age 50, to pivot in their careers. They also share the results of their decisions and how these decisions have impacted their lives. You might be inspired on how you too, can make a change in this phase of your life.’ (Mary Jane Roy, Creating Waves, Empowering Individuals and Organizations to Thrive)
‘The book is a great read for people who would like to know more about how to thrive after 50 with some practical tips. The stories of the people interviewed bring the book to life. Very different and interesting life stories we could learn from but also with who we can identify with’ (Nicolette Wykeman, Silverforce Coaching)