
Re-Inventing Life After50

An eBook filled with stories of people who have been at that crossroads in midlife and beyond


This  free eBook is presented to you by the Wize Move Society, the online community for those over 50 who are entering the next stage of their life; for many of them it is time to re-invent themselves and decide what to do with the next so many years.

This free eBook is an extract of the book that Wize Move Society will publish later in 2024: a book filled with stories of people who have been at that crossroads in midlife and beyond and had to re-invent themselves. These stories are also shared in the second season of the podcast series “Wize Move 50+” 2023-2024 and published on Spotify.

We are grateful  for all those who were brave enough to share their stories and gave us permission to publish them.