On May 1, 2021 the Move in2 the Future launched the Wize Move Society: a unique online community, especially for those who are over50 and entering the next stage of their life. The Wize Move Society is the answer to all the research being done on midlife and beyond. There is a major demographic shift, and the realisation that the over50 generation is growing fast, living longer, better educated, healthier and more active than ever. A generation that wants to contribute longer, be of value, and live life to the fullest. It’s a generation that is re-inventing retirement!
Wize Move Society is bringing people from the over50 generation together to have fun, meet new friends, to prepare themselves for the next stage of life, to learn from each other and to share knowledge, experience and wisdom. Most importantly, to create solutions for the challenges that the over50 are facing, starting new businesses, thinking about a next career move, or semi retirement opportunities
"Research has shown that people in general, perform better, are more motivated and more creative, when they are part of a community of like-minded people"
Let’s re-invent the future of the over50
- The world is facing a growing older population with an increased life expectancy. A population that is healthier, more active and better educated than ever.
- The over50’s bring knowledge, experience and wisdom that is of significant importance for organisations, for the economy and for society as a whole.
- This generation will be part of the workforce much longer, because they love to stay active, to contribute, and to make an impact but also to be able to secure their retirement income well into their 90’s.
- In this time of disruptive change, all generations need to work together to create a world that is more humane, more sustainable and more connected. A world that offers a safe place for everyone and offers equal opportunities for people of all age groups, gender, culture, religion, etc: A world we are proud to leave to the next generations
Wize Move Society:
- Offers a safe online environment for the over50 generation to meet like minded people from all over the world and all walks of life, to connect, have fun, to play, to learn, to explore and to get ready to move in2 the next stage of their life
- Shifts the way organisations think about the 50plus generation and support organizations to create a work environment where people of all age groups feel welcome, challenged, fulfilled, valued and happy.
- Has a positive impact on the economy by creating new opportunities, projects and jobs, to empower this generation and amplify their voice
- Contributes to the awareness the world is facing huge demographic changes, that will have an impact on many aspects of society, and to create solutions together.
"There is a search for purpose, passion, pleasure and a paycheck
7 Steps to create the next stage of your life
Facing Reality
- More than ever we notice the prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age (ageism).
- Many organisations are not focused on ways to retain or recruit people over50 for their workforce.
- Many of us over50, who have lost our jobs or business in the past couple of years, have a hard time to find a new role in society. It needs a different mindset and different perspective on the world, and our own demands may have changed: there is a need to re-invent ourselves.
- Although we live longer, many of us do not have a sufficient retirement plan and can't afford to stop working at the age of 65 or even 70.
- Loneliness and even depression can hit, for example caused by empty nest, loss of partner, loss of work environment, pandemic, etc